As I learn to live with TBI better i am learning what they call triggers, triggers are the things in our lives that effect TBI survivors like myself. We all have different triggers and we all have different reactions to these triggers. Combinations of different triggers get real hard to figure out and this is just part of our lives. i am learning to manage my environment rather well and am both proud and grateful.
The quality of my life has become so greatly improved that it amazes me.....I only wish every survivor could have the same gift and anything I can do to encourage or educate such would be wonderful.
Back to the wind....for me I have found it is one of my biggest triggers....wind and clouds are the worst....I can be feeling great one day and the next the wind blows in and I can find myself rolled up in the fetal position on the couch just hopping for a break....we just had such a wind storm and the worst part of it for me was that I missed a great big rainbow just across the lake from me....bummer....Rainbows are special to me ever since I read in the Bible Genesis 9:13 where God gave us rainbow as a reminder of a promise he made us. In my opinion every child should be taught this little story.
Anyway, for some reason today I'm really struggling with mind keeps wondering off and I get lost from my train of thought.... lol!
It usually take me a few days to recover, but lately I recover sooner and that is great.
Yesterday morning the wind was gone and I woke feeling great, I thought I might get a chance to go visit Paul and Nina who also blog and it's not often I get to talk to RV blog celebrities.
I went outside and had some company 4 burros were standing just outside......
These guys were not too willing to be friends or anything....would not even accept one of my carrots...
I saw one of my fellow campers out side so I yelled over to see if he could see the burros from his campsite....turns out he was a ! The wind had my eye site pretty fuzzy !!!
Karen a teacher from Colorado ran up to get photos of the burros and ended up sticking around for about an hour while I drank my coffee....she is single and rides a 650cc Kawasaki.....I told her what little I know about the area and she ran off to get ready to spend the day riding.....
I went it to work on the blog when I saw an old friend from the Steps pulling into the area....
Lew is a boat builder who has had some health issues and decided to build this home on wheels, sold his house and is now living the dream.....this is a nice trailer with many boat like features including a wood stove....nice!
After saying hello and catching up Lew introduced me to his hometown friends Hal and Loretta. Some how I thought I would get a chance to take photos, but everyone left before I got any.... lol!
Karen rode into her camp after hours of riding.....from the distance I was struck by how much she reminded me of seeing my mother ride her old Honda 550 cc 4cyl.
Well we all ended up sitting out talking, Lew showed Karen his trailer and to my surprise they came right back....I kind of had the idea they were hitting it off....oh well at least I have my partner, even if she is 600 miles away for now.
Woke up this morning and everyone had decided to head out of here.....Lew could not get his human powered kayak into the lake from here and Karen had already stayed one day longer than she planed.
These things are much like the lay back bicycles, Lew tells me they are every easy to peddle and that they move along pretty quickly......hope to get a chance to try it out....he said he would let me know if he finds a good spot near by......the beaches here are like quicksand!!!!
I still plan to get over to visit with Nina and Paul later today.
I just went back to see what my last post was all's been awhile....I have some fun things to share.
Last Sunday this Navy Plane started practicing landing in the water, filling up with water for firefighting and takeoffs....the first few times he flew over he was just checkinng out to make sure no boats where in his being and old Vet stood and saluted them....they flew right over me and gave a'm getting weird!!
They flew by so close I could see them in the cockpit.
They must have made 40 or so runs over the next few days, and one nice thing was the noise was not to bad on me....i even enjoyed the whole were hard without my camera, but I have some to show.
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I got this one as he was flying over head with a wing wave!!! After than he landed in the water and never flew over any campers would be one heck o a shower!!!! |
This 1989 Silver Streak showed up....Tom had just restored was beautiful....he had redone the interior in Olive green, black and stainless steel.....looks much better than it sounds.....Tom a young man who lives in Las Vegas and works in the medical field as a neurologist helped me understand how it is my lungs give me so much trouble with the TBI......never made sense to me why I can suddenly feel like I just ran a sprint just leaning over to tie my shoes or clip my nails.....if you ever want to help a survivor or old person for that matter.....offer to clip their toe nails :]
Airplanes, donkeys, motorcycles, vintage trailers, boats and toenail....what more could you ask for!!!!
Thanks so much for following along, please pass my blog on to others, subscribe and if possible leave comments.....
I took the liberty of borrowing this photos from Nina"s blog Wheeling it
I would like to give a big shout out for her and Paul's blog.....Nina puts a lot of effort into her posts and it shows, just promise I will not loose you all as readers.
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