Saturday, April 12, 2014

Bundy Ranch Standoff

Well folks.....I was there these photos can show that, but they do not do this story justice at all.....I need a new camera so bad.....I apologize for the terrible photos I got today.

The traffic was piles up all day on I-15....heavy traffic, lots of protesters, cops, truckers......everyone wanted to stop traffic. I kept looking both ways up and down I-15 wondering just how far traffic was backed up......bad day to be  heading in or out of Vegas.

I had heard on the tv that it was all over, but wondered if that was true, if someone did in fact get shot in Overton and I just wanted to get out of the 5th wheel, so I rode the Triumph into Overton.
I stopped first at the Napa Auto Parts store and heard campers were getting ticketed all the way from Bunkerville to Overton for camping on BLM land......that there were snipers overlooking off to the ranch I many everywhere in one of the most under populated area in the west.

About 5 miles south of the Bunkerville exit I saw about 100 police officers and 50 or so cop cars pulle of into a rest area....they also had a SWAT tank looking truck.....this does not look good I thought to myself.

When I got to the ranch, I could not get near the place so much traffic and I had been passing hundreds of cars going the other way.....I stopped near a family getting into their car, they were putting hunting rifles into the trunk as I pulled over....everyone had was told the sherriff had finaly showed up and said he had fixed the problem and that everyone should just go way, everyone was going to go up I-15 to the area the BLM had about 400 cows locked away in portable holding pens.  So I thought why not follow and see what happens.

The following photo was a long line of stopped cars......thousand and thousands of cars were stopped on I-15 today.

I finally made it to the pull off where everyone, who was not parking on the freeway, were parking.  

Here you can see one of the many lines of cops showing force....they were lined up along the highway medium and I bet I saw 100 cop cars here near the pens. The protestors were parked on my side of the freeway and hundreds of them were walking down the side of the road to a underpass where they could cross under the freeway to where the cows were locked up.....the underpass is where most of the confrontation took place.

After a few hours the cowboys on horses had made their way over from the ranch....about 10 miles, I would guess, across the sure felt like the Calvary arrived.....flags flying...dogs barking and dust kicking up from the horses....Heros.....they folks were unarmed and willing to ride right into the thick of things......right up to the heavily armed feds who by this time were locked and loaded....this was a great moment !!!!

Throughout the day we were told many times the feds were going to free the cows as soon as the crowds pulled back.....only to buy time for more cops to show up.....the cops would stop west bound traffic for 1/2 and hour or so and lines of cop cars would drive up the freeway the wrong way with lights flashing....looked like an attempt to intimidate the protestors....why am I calling them protestors??? Patriots is a much better thing to call them.....
Anyway this went on for many hours, and every time a deadline was missed another excuse came from the feds......we heard there were some rather serious threats made towards the patriots, guns where drawn, cops pulled back at one point to grab more gear, vests, additional cops, rifles and once again began to push the patriots back under the overpass.....I heard at one point Mr. Bundy had given 30 minutes for the feds to surrender their unconstitutional weapons or they would be shot....this sounds serious. This does bring up a good question, can the federal government use guns against American citizens on American soil?

There were hundreds of younger (30 and under ) patriots many of them heavily armed lined up face to face with the feds and nobody looked like they were going to back down....I was so many of our youth who seem to get it......we have our rights and we can stand up for them.....a great moment in our history if you ask me......I hope our youth learn something about our Constitution from today......a very good time to spend some time and teach them what our public schools will not teach.

Finally the BLM trucks lined up and pulled out of there  .....on one big group and with every truck floored.......looked (?) pissed off, scared(?) I just did not get the pedal to the medal exit.
 the above photo is of the BLM pulling out.....

Now what is going on....still 30 minutes and no cows

 You can not see it, but this is when the first cows made it under the overpass....they were now under the control of the cowboys and on their way to the river and home to the Bundy ranch......It has bee said the government paid $1,000,000.00 to round up a few hundred cows....they ran many down with helicopters during some of the hottest days of the year....I know I've been seeing 95 degrees for 3 or 4 days while the cows have been being rounded up......calves were separated from their mothers, the Bundy ranch had fences destroyed, water tank destroyed and prize bulls shot!!!!

There are many stories out there about Harry Reid and his family selling water rights they do not own to China for solar power plants, drilling leases to oil wells.....BLM had stories that have now been removed from their own web site......something fishy.....follow the money !!!!!

I know something about real estate laws, water rights, land contracts and range rights......I do not see where the BLM has the right to do what they have been doing a real estate agent I would never attempt nor advise a client to disregard contracts like this, but look what we know about the way we treated the American Indians....why expect them to change just might get them to change.....lets hope.

After the snipers left things settled down so the NHP got traffic moving and most of the patriots headed back to the ranch to see the cows come home.....there were people who got a chance to speak at a temporary stage set up near the ranch....this is where the news shows the two tall white flag polls.

I was getting rather tired so I headed back to Overton where I had a pretty good hamburger at Sugar's and rode back to the 5th wheel in time to watch the last 90 laps of today's Nascar race.

I felt like I got to witness and even play a small part in a historical event today......time will tell us what the future holds and if today was really a victory or just a good excuse for the feds to overreach more.

I rode back to Stewart's Point to find two large motor homes with Toweds park just feet from my 5th wheel......really......hardly anyone around......camping spots all over the place ( many much better than where I am ) and they park just feet away and put their lawn chairs even closer to me.....kind of makes me glad I ride a LOUD motorcycle!!!! now if I just had the meanness to go start it at 12:30 am   lol

I just want to say today I met many real cowboys, real Americans who love this country and see the value of Liberty........I felt honored to be there with them......and dare I say very few of our elected officials deserve to polish their boots and I can think of a few who would find a boot where the sun does not shine if they ever even tried.

I also want to remind everyone treason is a hang-able offense and I see a lot of treason these days....seems to start at the top and be working its way down......I pray the leaders of this great country wake up and start looking out for our country, its citizens, our children's children and not their own pockets.....Americans just might not put up with it much longer and all I see then is bloodshed and that my friends is not good.....nobody wins that one!!!!


  1. Sir, found your blog from a comment you made over on Paul and Nina's "Wheeling It" blog. I clicked over, always eager to read about others RV adventures. I never expected to read about the Bundy Ranch show down. Nice to read a first hand report of what I've only seen on TV. I agree, you were witness to history and maybe an awakening in America to the abuses of power we've come come to accept as normal.

    Bundy may have lost in court but the Feds overstepped their bounds by a long shot. Armed troops facing down citizens, CITIZENS not subjects, over cows and grazing fees. Same thing happens all the time and finally somebody took a stand. You're right, these people are patriots. As I've heard it, even the BLM troops (the BLM has armed troops?!) were questioning their orders. Good for those that did and I hope some of them come forward to expose their leaders for the statists they are.

    Got you bookmarked and look forward to reading more of your adventures. Enjoy my home state and if you are a Nevadan, then hello. Take care and safe travels!


  2. Dan,
    Thank you for bookmarking my can subscribe by entering your email under the follow by email on the right margin of the blog.

    The blog is about my travels and adventures as a TBI survivor who snowbirds the winters mostly in Arizona.

    Funny you ask if I'm from Nevada, I was born in Henderson and my mother's family mostly lived in Las Vegas and Caliente. I moved to Utah where I spent most of my life since then, but still feel a strong connection to Nevada.

    Speaking about political and faith issues is a bit of a double edge, but since the 1st priority of my blog is to keep loved ones up to date on my travels. I figure they already know my feelings on most !!

    It was a real eye opener for me to see the different take the news and even some talk show hosts have taken on the Bundy Ranch event. Mostly it was very peaceful, the crowds were not looking for blood that I could see or hear. The Feds did seem to be playing games with the public in my opinion, they stalled over and over, they had the news report all was over when in fact it looked as if it was just getting started.

    The scary moments for me were from concern someone from the crowd would overreact to the stall tactics or attempts to over intimidate I saw from the cops. I did have one conversation with a Nevada State Trooper towards the end of the day, at the time the BLM were pulling was friendly and courteous and he assured me they had not taken down plate numbers or planed to ticket or tow any of the vehicles along the freeway.

    As for future adventurers, I will be working on my honey do list, some short vacation trips like last summer as well as working on a few of the VW bugs my son in law and I have purchased for family projects. I plan to pull a Baja next winter as my wife will be joining me around January.

    I'm happy you chose to add me to you list and I Thank you for your comments.
