Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday's Travels

Today was a busy day....

Laundry, shopping for laundry supplies, visited Gene, a trip to the museum and  a visit to the cemetery.

Listened to the race on the radio.

I have learned there is no order to how my photos upload....??? I'll add comments under many of these photos.

It's hard to see, but there is a can atached to the line that is used to hold water to cool the tools as they are ground on the grinding wheel.....sure wish mine was as nice as this one.

I have seen one honey bee since I got here.....maybe I need to borrow that smoker.

I know the detail does not show up in these photos...each rock has been hand picked and then place prior to the mudbeing added to the mold.

the builder of these miniatures spent many years gathering stones for them.

The army has trained near here twice....once for WWI and then again around 1960

This is a black light man!!!

I drove out to where I thought the cemetery was and found these things

Booking flights every friday at 9am

Every one needs a jet for yard art

This is the local air service

I left the airport and found Steve.....he was just parked on the side of the road.
I asked him if he knew where the cemetery was what a stroke of luck.
Not only did he know where it was.....he had me follow him over there.
Steve is a local who owned many mining claims....including the one for the mine where these blue stone were mined.......he gave me a short, but interesting history of many of these stones.

This pectrogriff is from a local spot....he told me where it is!!!

This is iron wood...a petrified stone that rings like a bell when struck like a bell.....some of it looks like you could just put it in the fire and burn it!

Here Steve is trying to help me photograph the blue color....he said that in the mine it is very blue like Colbolt.

I have zoomed way up so you can see the colors in the "RAINBOW ROCK" it's another petrified rock

This is the judge known world wide as the "Marring Judge" he married 35,000 couples in his 8 terms as judge here in Quartzside.........many of them famous Hollywood stars...Clark Gable and Carole Lombard would be two of my favorites...

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